Why Good Friends Are Important


You need some good friends with you who you can trust with your situations. I have 2 or 3 friends that I trust with my situations. And boy, were they helpful. This blog is going to focus on one of these friends. He is one of those friends that comes to your aid whenever needed. We play fight and have roast battles because we are so close. I even had him in all my classes this year! He’d try to play pranks on me, and he did trick me a few times, but he comes through when I really need it.

One of my most embarrassing moments due to my diabetes was when my pump fell off during passing period between second and third period (science and math in my schedule).

I was late to class, since I panicked, and went in practically sobbing, freaking my teacher out. My math teacher at the time had a “rule” that you had to give him a dollar for a hall pass. We all knew he didn’t really mean it, or at least I did. But when I walked past my friend, he was holding up a dollar bill, completely aware of the situation I was in.

My teacher and I were talking, and I managed to get through that I needed a pass between the sobs. I felt the class watching me, but I didn’t care until afterward when I realized I looked like a mess when that happened. I mean, my hair was everywhere, I was red with tears streaming down my face, and my backpack and jacket were falling off me. It was embarrassing because in middle school, there’s all this pressure on you to look perfect, and if you don’t then you’re in for a rough ride.

One day, this friend and I were taking a Kahoot in Health class, and one of the questions was about blood sugar. Me, being an expert in blood sugar, gave the class the answer because the teacher never said we couldn’t. When I finished saying the answer, a boy questioned me, and he was sitting between me and my friend. He turned to me and said, “Oh yeah, and how do you know that?” I was about to answer, but my friend turned around and said, “Because she’s a diabetic.” I was so happy that he spoke up and defended me, and is still doing so today.

So, my advice; find a few good friends who you can really, REALLY trust, and ride out the year with them. You should be able to put your life in their hands, like I do with mine.

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Diabetes is not a choice, but how I live with it is. #strength #growth #type1

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