Speech Notes

So, as I previously stated in my last post, I’m writing a speech for Language Arts and then presenting it.

I was planning on just copying the whole speech into here, but I think I should do something else first.

In my speech, the concluding sentences actually, I explained what a service dog stands for, and I think this would be great for you to learn…

“The next time you’re in public and see a service animal, don’t approach it; think about what it represents and the high amount of training it’s done. Understand that it represents dedication, persistence, and honor.”

In this speech, I used some of Early Alert Canine’s client stories as examples of service animals working.

These are the quotes I pulled from the client stories,

“People often look at me and wonder why I have a dog. I explain she is my service dog because I am a type 1 diabetic and I cannot feel low blood sugar anymore” – Lia, (Click Link).

“EAC puts immense effort into finding the perfect match between Diabetic Alert Dogs and handlers, ensuring that each partnership is ideal” -Anais, (Click Link).

“The real value lies not only in having a life-saving dog but in a companion whom everybody loves. Pippin is always looking out for me physically, medically, and emotionally” -Jason, (Click Link).

I hope this helps people understand the significance and stature of a service animal.

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Diabetes is not a choice, but how I live with it is. #strength #growth #type1

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