Some days are really hard

The other day my blood sugar was all over the place. Another rollercoaster. High then low, then high again, then low…. The never ending ups and downs.

The ups and downs can take a toll on my emotions. Now, I am not one to just sit and openly express my emotions or cry. However, I did that night. Sometimes, I can’t hold the tears in.

My emotions were already at a close breaking point. My ears were ringing from dropping over a 120 points in under 40 minutes, and my family was getting on my nerves. My little sister was pushing every button, and my mom snapped at us both for snapping at each other.

All of my emotional buildup from not feeling good through the day at school and still feeling like crap at home along with everyone being on my nerves sent me to my room to try to calm down. I had a pounding headache, the room felt like it was spinning, my ears were throbbing, and suddenly in the quiet of the room I began to cry. The worst part is, when you feel like this, crying only makes feeling horrible….more horrible.

I heard my mom announce dinner was ready. I went to get my dad from his office after my two minutes break down. However, it was noticeable that I was crying, and he looked at me, and I started crying all over again. This made my head feel even worse, and all I wanted to do was curl up in bed and sleep. I decided to go back to my room and calm down for a bit before heading to dinner.

Once I calmed down, I still felt awful from the ringing ears, pounding head, and fast blood sugar drop.

I made it too dinner, but I still felt awful. Some days suck. I didn’t even want o eat dinner, but I had to. Some days all I want to do is lay on my bed and not move.

Some days, I can lay quiet for a bit, but other days I have to push through it at school and act normal even though I feel absolutely awful.

In conclusion, I feel like we can all agree Diabetes sucks. It can be so draining all I want is a nap. But tomorrow will be better….right?

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Diabetes is not a choice, but how I live with it is. #strength #growth #type1

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