Some days are just off days

The other day while I was at school I had to go home without my friends…

Basically, my school does this thing called “Tutorial”, where you can stay after school and catch up on anything in class, ask for help from a teacher, or just hang out until it’s time for the clubs and you either go to a club or go home. My friends and I carpool and they were staying for Tutorial, so I typically stay as well.

However, my blood sugar was low pretty much all day if I wasn’t over 300. Yeah, that sucked. It seemed my blood sugar did not want to cooperate and go above 80, unless it decided to hit 300. These rollercoasters are awful. There seems to be no reason for it either…. it’s just what your body wants to do that day. As you know, explaining this to others can be so hard.

So, once I got to my 7th period, the final class of my day, my teacher saw me and said, “Ellie, are you okay? Do you want to go to the nurse?”

Now, I didn’t understand why she was asking me this at the time because I hadn’t looked in a mirror yet. I didn’t feel good at all that day but as we do, we keep pushing through. But after a few seconds of feeling worse and worse, I decided to take her up on that offer.

Once I got down to the nurse, I got a look at myself in a mirror and realized I was really pale and a little green. It did make sense, though. I was dizzy, had a pounding headache, and was over-heating, which was weird because I was wearing a t-shirt and jeans in some pretty cold weather.

I did a finger prick, and I was at 226. I went back to class with the nurse with me, so she could talk to my teacher about wanting me to go back down to the office before class was over. Once the meeting ended (a leadership-my class-and ASB representative meeting), I went down to the nurse again, and was at 221. This was a 5-point difference. Not good, but also not bad.\

Having said that, I went back to class and asked my teacher if I could go to my locker and grab my stuff early. Because my head was pounding, and just simply being in class made it so much worse with the small conversations. Imagine being in the hallway with just screams and stomping and echoing with all the lockers slamming. It would make you want to curl up into a ball and cry because it hurts so bad. I’ve been in that situation before. It’s terrible.

So, I ended up texting my friends about the fact that my mom was picking me up right after school and went home to just relax on my bed. Sometimes we just need to close our eyes in the silence….and eat some string cheese.

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Diabetes is not a choice, but how I live with it is. #strength #growth #type1

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