Helpful Blood Sugar Pointers

Here are a few blood sugar pointers I have for you:

  • Stress and emotions can take a toll. Find ways to stay calm, so you can keep your blood sugar in range.
  • Sometimes, you can feel energetic as your blood sugar is going low….and then suddenly you will crash to low and feel awful. Tired and dizzy for me. Sometimes nausea too. So, try to catch yourself before you get to low. I will sometimes have a few sips of juice, a piece of chocolate, or a few grapes.
  • With high blood sugar, sometimes I feel great, and then other times when I have been high for too long, I begin to feel nauseas and have a headache.
  • Remember what spikes your blood sugar so you dose extra. Or can monitor it more frequently.

For me, dizziness, nausea, headaches, and extreme fatigue often let me know something is off. So, I will do a finger prick and compare it to my Dexcom readings. Try to notice what your body’s signals are for blood sugar issues. We are all different and may have different signs. If you need to, talk to your doctor too. I have a great endocrinologist and know my mom can email with any questions I may have.


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